3D Chess Complete Unity Project With Admob


This is a 3D board game. Simply activate the chess game on Android or iOS. Chess is a very popular sport and is often played in competitions. Play with a friend or alone. This game helps you to improve concentration, memory and strategic skills in a fun way.

Features of the project:

♞ Easy Play

♞ Board Rotation

♞ The pieces move slowly forward

♞ Easy Reskin

♞ How to Play Guide

♞ Removal pieces are visible on both sides of the board

♞ Play with Friends

♞ Pause, Resume, Restart function

♞ Powerful Sound Effects

♞ Admob Banner and Admob Interstitial are integrated

♞ Great graphics with layered PNG

♞ 64 & x86 bit Supports

♞ Rate and Share feature