Animal Climb (PRO) – BUILDBOX CLASSIC – IOS – Android – Reward video


Smooth art visuals and animations Dynamic gameplay and increasing difficulty 4 unique animals to unlock Integrated AdMob video ads for monetization Clear documentation to customize and publish Created in Buildbox Classic, this ready-made premium game template is easy to edit and launch on Google Play or App Store. With its polished presentation and addictive gameplay, Animal Climb is an engaging time waster for all ages. Blast off the app stores today!


  • Buildbox .bbdoc File: Get the complete Buildbox project file, allowing you to easily modify and customize the game.
  • Android Studio/Xcode Project: Receive the Android Studio and Xcode projects, enabling you to build and publish the game on both Android and iOS platforms.
  • Video Ads | Watch to Continue: Players can watch video ads to continue playing, providing a seamless gaming experience.
  • Detailed Documentation: Access a comprehensive documentation guide that walks you through the setup, customization, and launch process.
  • 4 Different Characters: Choose from a selection of four adorable animal characters
  • Ads Installed: ADMOB: Monetize your game with ADMOB ads, generating revenue through ad impressions and clicks.
  • Endless Gameplay: Enjoy infinite gameplay
  • Game Center: Compete with friends and players worldwide by connecting to Game Center, where you can track your high scores
  • Share: Share your achievements and high scores with friends on various social media platforms, encouraging friendly competition.
  • Rate Request: Prompt players to rate and review the game, helping to boost its visibility and attract more users.