Augmented reality App | Filters | Effects | Masks


Real time augmented reality face masks, effect and filters in photo and video mode. Combine mask, effect and filter at the same time to take a picture or record video.


  • Android Studio Arctic Fox 2020.3.1
  • Kotlin (app developed with kotlin)
  • Java 11


Effects supported

  • Rigid objects
  • Deformable masks
  • Morph masks
  • Animated objects
  • Post-processing effects

Instagram UI/UX

  • Click to take photos
  • Long clic to start recording
  • Swipe or click to apply effect, filter or mask
  • Reset effect button
  • Gallery button (show last photo/video and navigate to gallery)
  • Grid lines (show/hide 3×3 grid lines)
  • Flash – on/off
  • Switch camera – front/back (front camera by defaut)
  • Swipe to switch between masks, effects and filters
  • Vibrate on apply effect
  • Zoom

32 Masks

  • Glasses
  • Flowers
  • Beauty
  • Animals
  • Face distortion
  • Galaxy background
  • People
  • Eye color
  • Metal face
  • Beard

6 Effects

  • Disco lights
  • Rain
  • Blizzard
  • Ocean
  • Fire (need interaction from user, will be activated when user open the mouth)
  • Heart (need interaction from user, will be activated when user open the mouth)

19 Filters

  • Grid collage
  • Manga
  • TV
  • VHS
  • Drunk
  • Luts


  • Swipe up-down to show-hide gallery
  • Photos
  • Videos


  • All photos from gallery
  • Update gallery list after taking/deleting a photo
  • Information
  • Share
  • Delete


  • All videos from gallery
  • Update gallery list after recording/deleting a video
  • Information
  • Share
  • Delete


  • Photo viewer
  • Video player
  • Share
  • Delete


  • Title
  • Path
  • Media type
  • Date
  • Resolution
  • Size
  • Duration (video)


  • Volume button up to zoom in
  • Volume button down to zoom out

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