Calumma – Elementor Widgets For Palleon WordPress Image Editor 1.2


Calumma comes with custom Elementor widgets that are fully customizable and easy to use. You can showcase your Palleon templates like on with the following Elementor widgets.


  • Flexible: Widgets come with a wide variety of settings that allow you to customize the grid as you wish.
  • Masonry Layout: The masonry layout is the most effective way to display multiple images in a grid by partially revealing content.
  • Customize template: Automatically generated customization template links allow users to start customizing instantly.
  • Template preview: Custom Lightbox allows users to preview the template in a full-screen popup gallery.
  • Add to favorites: Logged-in users can add templates to their favorites with a click.
  • Powered by AJAX: AJAX allows asynchronous updating of the grid and improving user experience and site speed.

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