D Locker is a data management web application that save and maintain your data securely in a well structured tabular format inside well maintained folders.
Features :-
- Password Manager
- Card Manager
- Link Manager
- Quick Access to Any Data Table
- Share Any Data Table to Anyone Outside with Unique Link (ON/OFF Button)
- Click to Copy Any Data from Data Table
- Search Functionality for Folders and Data Tables
- Add, Edit, Delete User, Folder and Data Table
- User Account Creation (You can add your team members by creating their account, they will login from the same login url with their particular credentials and then your user can save and safe their particular data on all managers (password manager, card manager and link manager).
- Role and Permission Manager for User Account
- User Activity Log (You can easily track your users such as when they last login, their ip address, their city and country name etc.)
- Comprehensive Setting Panel
- E-mail SMTP (You can add SMTP of any email service provider such as Mailchimp, SendinBlue or even gmail SMTP and much more)
- Email Template (You can change email template content from the setting panel such as email subject or message)
- Email Notification to Admin When Someone Login from Different IP Address, Export Data, Import Data + You can ON/OFF Email Notification Export and Import
- Add Your Own Logo and Favicon
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