Daily Income Expense Manager is simple, intuitive, stable app that is designed to keep track of your incomes and expenses.
The main aim to design Daily Income Expense Manager app is to help users to have better control over the money and no need to calculate the transactions every time.
App keep all the details regarding transactions in Firebase and hence user can anytime get the information and financial summery by month,quarterly or year.
You have to add new transaction when you buy anything or any amount is credited to your wallet by simply adding amount, attach receipt image, choose category and payment mode options.
Daily Income Expense Manager app is fully integrated with admob ads through which you can also earn money when you put this app of your version after re-skinning in app market.
- Intuitive and easy to use user interface.
- Social media authentication like Phone Facebook, Google, Email.
- Firebase realtime database and storage.
- Display current month transactions in timeline.
- 15+ Predefined list of default income / expense category such as salary, rent, fees, loan etc.
- User can also add, edit or delete income / expense category based on their requirements.
- Add Income/Expense day by day.
- Attach receipt image while adding transcation and also you can download it.
- Update/Delete incorrect Income/Expense record.
- View Income/Expense history report by monthly,quarterly,half yearly and yearly.
- Calendar view for track your history.
- PieChart for track your history.
- Export PDF report for better analyze your Income/Expenses.
- Daily reminder for enter transaction.
- Add / Update currency symbol
- Popup for new application update.
- Navigation drawer with Feedback, Share Apps and Rate Us.
- Admob Integrated [Interstitial / Banner].
- Source code use Android proguard that protect from decompile app.
- Easy To Reskin no extra coding is required.
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