Giggy is a full-working template (UI + Source Code) that works as a portal to make people post or look for gigs around their area, get in touch with other users with the built-in chat system. They can also rate other people based on how the gig was about.
iOS Swift language – Native Xcode project – Edit the template as you wish with the power of Xcode and Swift.
Storyboard, iOS 11.0 and above, Universal – Run your app on all iOS devices
DBase API – Host DBase into your own VPS server (AWS Lightsail is strongly recommended)
Browse Gigs by category – The Home screen offers the possibility to search for gigs by keywords or by selecting a category. A slider will also give you the chance to find items between 50 and 200 Km far from your current location.
Favorites – Users can save their favorite gigs for later use.
Read and post reviews – Feedbacks are important for an app like this, so poeple can leave their own reviews for users, or read the existing ones.
Report inappropriate gigs – Unfortunately, not all people in the world is good, so the Admin must daily check the database to see if there are reported content, and take action for it.
Easily post/edit Gigs – People can post their offers by inserting a few info (title, description, category and picture), and selecting the location of gigs by tapping on a Map.
Chat with users – The built-in messaging system allows you to privately talk to people with interesting gigs.
Google Sign in – People can quickly sign with their Google account from the Intro page.
Terms of Use and Privacy Policy HTML file (GDPR compliant) – The template contains a ‘tou.html’ file the Admin can edit to display his Terms of Service to the app’s folks.
AdMob Interstitial ads – Get some revenue from full-screen advertisement banners
Modern, clean design – The UI has been carefully crafted to offer the best user experience to your clients.
Online Documentation – Read the extensive guide of this template to be able to configure it properly.
PSD icons included in the package – App and buttons icons are stored into a PSD folder, for easy image replacement.
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