Hospital and Pharmacy Management System | ASP.NET Core | EF Core


Hospital Management System is a complete and multi-functional hospital or medical center management system, build using ASP.NET Core.
The system can provide an automated way of managing any hospital activities rather than a traditional system. Moreover, this system can operate regular hospital activities like inpatient, outpatient, billing, test, bed management, account sector, etc. accurately and efficiently. Also, it helps to generate the daily, weekly, monthly, half-yearly, and yearly reports of sales, revenue, patients, lab test, bed management, etc. as your requirement easily. To see these reports, you need to click on some options.
The most important thing is that an admin can observe everyone through the software. An internal messaging platform helps employees to communicate with each other as well. All in all, clinic management software helps you to be with trends, and it also gives you the chance to run your business administration digitally and very efficiently.

Key Features

  • Registration of patient
  • Check the schedule and set an appointment
  • Consult with doctor
  • Print prescription
  • Patient case study
  • Perform medical test
  • Dynamic Invoice System
  • Dynamic user account type
  • Records of diagnostics and reports
  • Company setup
  • Currency setup
  • User login history
  • Dynamic dashboard
  • Medicine History
  • Import Medicine from CSV
  • Medicine Inventory
  • Sales Service Report