Insta Soft Skyclones is an Instagram clone application for both Android and iOS platforms. The application enables users to share their photos with their followers, edit their photos, and like, comment, and share other users’ photos. The application also features a profile screen, post listing, and the ability to follow users and send follow requests.
The application comes with a range of features, including registration via email with public or private account options, login via email, and search for friends. Users can view post photos from public profiles and like, comment, and bookmark them. They can also create posts with multiple photos and edit their profiles.
Users can receive notifications for likes, comments, and new follow requests via push notifications using OneSignal. The application also includes an admin panel for managing user lists, user basic info, reported post reviews, and CMS pages such as terms and conditions, privacy policy, and about us pages.
The application is written in Swift and Objective-C for iOS and Kotlin and Java for Android. The admin panel is built using PHP, HTML, CSS, and MySQL.
Insta Soft Skyclones can be used not only as an Instagram-like photo app but also for recipe or wallpaper type applications. With its latest version 1.0.2, it includes 3rd party chat features and bug fixes, and performance improvements.
- Feature List
– Registration via email with public or private account
– Login via email
– Search friends
– Show post photos from public profiles
– Follow user or send request for follow
– Profile screen
– post listing with like, comment, bookmark, description
– Create post with multiple photos
– Comment and like on the post
– View other user profile
– Edit profile
– Change Account privacy
– Notification list for the like, comment and new request receive
– push notification using one-signal
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