Majesty – Restaurant WooCommerce WordPress Theme, Imagine what you can do with Majesty for your website MultiPurpose or One Page, Majesty specialist for Restaurant, Bakery, any food business and personal chef web sites, but feel free to use it for any wordpress site, you can create food menu without woocommerce using VC to build food menu and display it as list with or without thumbnails like demo. Majesty Excellent work without plugins ( Woocommerce – Events Manager – Restaurant Reservations – Team member – Contactform 7 – Max Mega Menu).
Amazing One Click Demo Import Easiest and fastest way to build your website, import whole demo content and set up your website to look just like our demo examples in one click. Is amazingly easy and the fastest way to build your website. It will import pages, posts, products, sliders, theme options and more. after you install demo by one click you change to another home demo content from WordPress settings and assign your home page.
- RTL support you can test it in demo or by add ?=d=rtl for any page in demo.
- Top small header contain social icons and telephone number.
- One Page & Multi Pages
- +10 Home layouts.
- 8 Blog layouts.
- SEO Optimized.
- WPML Compatible.
- Coming Soon pages(3 styles).
- Awesome Design & appearance
- Retina ready.
- Bootstrap 3.3.4.
- Responsive designs that addapts to smaller devices (iphone, ipad).
- CSS3 Animations.
- Wide & Boxed.
- Built with HTML 5 and CSS3.
- 6oo + google fonts.
- Font Awesome Icons.
- 6 Predefined color styles.
- Unlimited colors. [ with define 6 color in theme option change all color elements inside theme ]
- Splash screen support on loading( 3 styles ).( on ? off)
- Sticky Navigation.
- Header & Menu
- Dark and Light Menu.
- Logo left or centered.
- Mega Menu.
- Vertical menu available for one page only.
- One Page Navigation Support.
- Menu work good without plugin Max Mega Menu.
- Reservation support
- Open Table.
- Contact Form 7.
- Restaurant Reservations.
- WPBakery Page Builder for WordPress.
- Countdown timer.
- All Visual Composer Element work good without Custom Background.
- Theme VC custom Heading easy add font awesome icons or 6 defined icons for resturant.
- CSS3 Animations ( 40 + ) animations for columns and custom VC Element.
- Background sections ( Color, image, Parallax Background, HTML5 Video, Youtube BG ).
- Magesty theme add 23+ web element for visual composer.
- All default visual Composer element work good.
- Visual Composer & Woocommerce & Majesty theme
- Vc Support Woocommerce shortcodes with easy interface to add shortcode you can display it with 6 layouts.
- Theme Custom VC Woo Products Slider display products by category every category have own slider.
- Theme Custom VC Woo Products Carousel display products by category.
- Theme Custom VC Woo Filters display products by category and frontend user can filter it by category.
- WooCommerce
- All Wocommerce Shortcodes has Excellent work in theme.
- All Woocommerce page work good with sidebar or full width.
- All Wocommerce Widgets work Good and stylished.
- No WooCommerce you can create menu without using woocommerce using visual composer element [menu item list]
- Slider && Custom Background most of this jQuery have simple options to control it without touching any code.
- Background Slider (jQuery bgndgallery) transition [fade – zoom – slideup – …].
- Youtube Background.
- Viemo Background.
- HTML5 Video Backgroudn.
- Background Animation.
- Background Parallax.
- Background Interactive.
- Skipper Slider.
- Swiper jQuery Slider
- Custom Widgets
- Ads.
- Recent Post.
- Facebook like box.
- Recent comments with avatar.
- Recent flickr feed.
- Social icon.
- Opening Time.
- Tabs [ Recent post and popular with comments].
- Instagram Feed Widget.
- Twiiter Widget.
- Footer come with 6 layout columns.
- Post Format Support ? Blog supports all post format types
- Shortcodes [28 shortcodes].
- Built in Breadcrumbs.
- Unlimited Sidebars with woosidebar plugin.
- Translation Ready(po & mo files).
- Built in sharing system for posts and products.
- Advanced Theme option based on Redux Framework.
- One Click Theme Update.
- logo PSD included.
- Child theme included.
- Majesty Import Demo Content Plugin: With One Click Demo Import Easiest and fastest way to build your website, one click import pages, post, slider, widgets, menu, products, team memeber.
- Well documentation. view online The theme comes with a detailed documentation, which includes examples, screenshots and all the main instructions you will need to customize your site.
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