MP3 Converter PHP Script


Create your own MP3 conversion site easily with our flagship software:

• Downloads & converts content from up to 10 of the most popular video/audio hosting sites in the world
• One FREE site module (your choice) is included with your purchase
• Outputs converted files to MP3 audio format
• Displays download AND conversion progress via corresponding progress bars
• Leverages the power of FFmpeg to create crisp, clean, quality conversions of video files
• Features a completely “responsive” default design (leveraging the Bootstrap framework) to provide optimal viewing for ALL device types and sizes
• Provides the ability to easily incorporate static pages (e.g., About, FAQ, and Contact pages) as well as rudimentary “templating” support via common header/footer files
• Includes a “Config Check” utility to facilitate the software’s installation and help resolve any issues with the server configuration
• Programmed entirely in easy-to-read PHP OOP (Object Oriented Programming), JavaScript/jQuery, and CSS to facilitate effortless editing/customization of code