The name of this app is ‘My Daily Note’. It is a Note taking android app with attractive User Interface and professional look. There are many beautiful features. This app is designed with Kotlin & powerful, modern toolkit Jetpack Compose that is recommended by Google. For using this app user need to login with their gmail. We use ‘One Tap Google’ Signin process that is very simple & user friendly.
- New Splash API
- One Tap Google Login, so no need to signup with email & password.
- You can attach one or more images with note.
- Date based note showing.
- Filter Notes by date.
- Sticky Header.
- Admob Ads & Ads Control from server. No need to update app if ads turn off or changes ads ID.
- Delete single note and All notes together.
- Edit & update notes even change the date & time.
- Color for each note.
- App Update Alert to the user and much more…
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