PHP Auctions Script


Start Today! Run your own Auctions Platform and earn by charging a percentage for each successful sold auction.

Features Overview

The first auction platform that let’s you earn a percentage from each auction that’s sold.
Also you can earn from either charging for featured listings/regular listings.

  • Responsive: twitter bootstrap, html5, jQuery, CodeIgniter
  • Easy Bidding & Bin System: people can bid or bin via PayPal/Stripe ( Credit Card )
  • Categories system for auctions
  • Membership: fully featured users registration, login, profile management, etc.
  • Balance System: every user earnings are set on site balance which can be later cleared by you after subtracting fees.
  • Messging System: beautiful internal messaging system
  • Email & Popup Notifications: either if it’s a new bid, a new message or some other auction, users will be notified by email & in on site popup with the news!
  • Easy Checkout: when people use the BIN button, they’re redirected to payment for closing the transaction ( PayPal/Stripe )
  • …. so much more to discover in our live demo