Increase your Real Estate portal value, become available in Google Play Market and Apple App Store to Reach Multiple Billion Smartphone Users with minimal investment.
App features/screens
- Home With many quick to use options and latest infos
- Advanced search with tabs, sliders and other elements
- Categories nicely presented with images and listings counter per category
- Locations/City grid presented with images and listings counter per location/City
- Map with custom icons per category and search form, can detect nearby locations
- Listing preview page with gallery, zoomable images, custom fields based on website admin Agent infos, agent contact form, call agent, show on web, navigation link, links to youtube videos
- Agents grid presented with images and listings counter per Agent
- Every agent have profile screen with their listings and agent info
- Favorites features and manage options
- My listings features and manage listings options
- Add/Edit listing with custom fields based on website admin
- Manage images, upload from phone directly
- Edit profile details
- Login/Register/Logout/Auto Login
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