SmartNFT is a WordPress plugin focused on creating a fully functional NFT marketplace with enhanced control panels and designs. Creating an NFT was never an easy task, especially when it comes to using WordPress. As more than 55% of websites are using WordPress nowadays, we planned to make such a thing that enables users more effectively to create an NFT marketplace without coding knowledge.
Smart NFT is a features-rich NFT Marketplace plugin to create your own NFT marketplaces. Thanks to web3, reactjs & etherjs for building Smart NFT features rich and flexible for users.
- Mint/Create NFT: Smart NFT allows users to Mint an NFT on a deployed smart contract.
- Deploy and Manage Smart Contracts: Deploying your smart contract with Smart NFT is easier and hassle-free. Deploy your smart contracts with Smart NFT-supported blockchain networks in a minute.
- Predefined Smart Contracts Networks: Put on sale: Users who buy NFTs from your Smart NFT marketplace can again put them on sale paying specific gas fees
- Remove from sale: Users who created or minted an NFT can put down their NFT from sale and make it not available for sale
- Free Minting / Lazy minting: Free/lazy minting is a feature integrated into SmartNFT which enables users to create their NFT free(without a gas fee). And the gas fee is paid by the buyer who buys that NFT.
- Unlockable Content: Unlockable contents are links/texts/paragraphs that are created during minting an NFT and which is seen only by the current owner.
- Likes: Shows like counts for an NFT created in a single instance by a wallet address.
- Sharing: Sharing NFT on different platforms and copy links.
- Owners and Creators: This Shows the creator of the NFT and the current owner of it
- All NFT Page: Shows all of the NFTs in the current active contracts with intuitive filters
- Enhanced NFT filters
- Media Types: Smart NFT supports SVG, PNG, JPEG, and WEBP image formats
- Resell an NFT
- Compatible with any theme
- Owners public profile page: Shows a profile against a wallet address
- Profile Edit: Owers can edit their profile from front end without login to wp-admin.
- Profile Social icons: Shows social icons of a profile.
- Profile Collections: Shows all NFTs of a profile purchased by that owner
- Price + Crypto coin icon
- Metamask: Log in and authenticate with Metamask wallet. Changing in wallet address makes changes in pages.
- Shortcodes: to display NFTs anywhere you want.
- Robust Settings Panel: Use Smart NFTs’ robust settings panel to manage your site effectively
- Multilingual (via Loco Translate or WPML).
- Easy to manage and Update.
- Online Documentation.
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