SOS Emergency And Safety app – For Everyone’s Safety Worldwide Realtime Live GPS 10 May 2022


An user can add many emergency contacts as much he wants. Emergency Contacts must be app users also. at the time of danger when he activates his SOS mode, All his emergency contacts will be notified. His emergency contacts can see his realtime live locations untill he deactivate sos mode again inside the app. After SOS mode activated once , all his emergency contacts can see him realtime live at the same time. After SOS mode deactivated by him, Emergency Contacts can not see him. An user can be emergency contact of many users at the same time. An Emergency Contact can see All Sos mode Activated users(users who added him as one of the emergency contacts of them) realtime live locations at the same time inside the app.

This app has background services ,If app is closed by the user, No problem the background services can run in all situations like: app is running/app is close/phone screen off/ Phone screen on etc, at any circumstances this app will run on background and secure users safety. So after sos mode activated once, if the user close the app/run the app/phone screen on/phone screen off/anything happened,No problem the app background services will run on background and the emergency contacts of that user can see his location all time with Realtime Live.

After activated SOS Mode once, No matter Your app is running or close/ Phone screen ON/ Phone screen OFF/Anything happens, All Your Emergency Contacts can see your Realtime Live Locations all time in Realtime at the same time untill you deactivated SOS mode inside app .To Deactivate sos you can go inside the app and just deactivate it and your emergency contacts will not see you after that.

Suppose you are the emergency contact of 10 users and among them 3 users activated sos mode, in that situation you can see those 3 users realtime live location inside the app at the same time.
Suppose there are 10 users who have their separate emergency contacts and you are the common emergency contacts of all of them. Now among them , 3 users activated SOS mode, so you and respective emergency contacts of those 3 users can see respective victims Realtime Live location inside the app at the same time.


  • Phone Number + Otp Verification
  • Add Emegergency contacts. Emergency contacts must be this App users also.
  • An User have to activate SOS Mode once and Emergency Contacts of that user will be Notified Instantly with Push Notifications.
  • Emergency Contacts of the SOS mode activated users can see Realtime Live Movements of that victims until SOS Mode is Deactivated by victims.
  • An user can add Many Emergency Contacts and An user can be the emergency contact of many users at the same time.
  • If an user activate sos mode then his all emergency contacts can see his movements in Realtime Live at the same time all time untill sos mode is deactivated by that user
  • An Emergency Contact can see all victims (SOS MODE Activated users) Realtime live locations movements at the same time , who added him as one of the emergency contacts of them.
  • Push Notifications for SOS Mode Activate/Deactivate by user
  • Subscription and Payment Gateway Integrated
  • All Realtime Functionality inside the app
  • This app has background services ,If app is closed by the user, No problem the background services can run in all situations like: app is running/app is close/phone screen off/ Phone screen on etc, at any circumstances this app will run on background and secure your safety
  • There is an Admin app, built only for set Subscription prices and can see platform users details