Video Player Lite is highly customizable video player with lots of adjustable features. It supports self hosted video, audio and image files, 360 reality video and image panorama, Youtube and Vimeo videos and Live Streaming. It can be used as single video player or with playlist support of multiple videos.
Video Player Lite is a powerful video and audio player that supports all kind of embeddable media, from HTML5 video formats to Youtube and Vimeo videos, audio or image files to Apple HLS and MPEG DASH live streaming and 360 virtual reality videos and images.
Features and options
- Multiple skins
- Open player as ligthbox
- Responsive and mobile friendly layouts with breakpoints
- Highly customizable with HTML and CSS
- Only mp4 video format required for all browsers and devices
- Media support
- Self hosted video
- Self hosted virtual reality 360 video, example here
- Self hosted images
- Self hosted image panorama 360
- Apple HLS Live Streaming m3u8
- MPEG DASH Live Streaming
- Youtube single videos
- Vimeo single videos
- Self hosted audio
- Playback options:
- random playback
- loop playlist
- playback speed
- start / end time
- multiple playback qualities
- muted mobile autoplay
- autoplay in viewport
- on media end navigate to web url link
- Media end action (next, loop, rewind)
- Mix different media types in playlist
- SVG icons
- Subtitles support for any media (video, audio, Youtube, Vimeo) in vtt / srt format
- Remember playback position on page reload.
- Protect media and video urls with url encryption from source page.
- Video aspect ratio (fit inside, fit outside, original size)
- Keyboard navigation
- Password protected content
- Use native player on mobile
- Display poster on mobile
- Display poster image for Youtube and Vimeo videos
- Social sharing
- Support for multiple instances in the same page
- Minimize video to page bottom on page scroll
- Swipe video to advance
- Stick to bottom on page scroll, example here
- Theater mode (full width video mode), example here
- Replace wordpress default video player (self hosted, youtube, vimeo)
- API methods to interact with the player on runtime
- Callbacks events during video playback
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