bpchat is a buddypress, WordPress user based chat plugin. If this plugin installed to any user based wordpress blog, forum, community, directory, ecommerce or buddypress social network site then all the logged in users automatically can chat each other instantly. This plugin is also intended to make a easy way to chat like facebook for dating, matrimony, community social network site based on wordpress and buddypress framework.
- Multi User Chat at a Time
- New message browser Title bar Notification System
- New message sound alert while on other tab or minimise state of browser
- Auto Chat Invitation Pop up
- Chat Session Control
- 80 Smiley icon with slide control
- Online, Offline Indication
- Friend Search Option
- WordPress Online friend search – One click to return only friends online.
- Buddypress group search – Return list of member group. By clicking each group will return online member of that group.
- Buddypress friend search – Return only buddypress friend online.
- Auto load users thumbnail image
- Full width chat window in mobile device (optionally enable/disable from option panel)
- Unlimited color skin
- Unlimited background color, image, pattern
- Transparent background with transparent tool tip
- Auto border color generator
- Chat window minimization option
- Chat reload speed control
- Database chat history cleanup by periodic cron job (optionally enable/disable from option panel)
- bpchat Options import/export feature
- Multisite feature supported
- Complete responsive design
- Ajax Technology
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