YOORI is a complete eCommerce solution for the most common shopping platforms. It has a lot of build-in futures which are actually needed for every shopping site.
YOORI Build For:
– Single & Multi-Vendor eCommerce.
– Marketplace.
– Fashion & Beauty eCommerce.
– Electronic eCommerce.
– B2C eCommerce.
– B2B eCommerce.
– Drop Shipping Website.
Payment Gateway:
1. Paypal
2. Stripe
4. Paytm
5. JazzCash
6. Razorpay
7. Mollie
8. Paystack
9. Flutter Wave
10. Mercado Pago
11. Mid-Trans
12. Telr
13. Google Pay
14. Amarpay
15. Bkash
16. Nagad
17. Skrill
18. Iyzico
19. Kkiapay
More are coming…
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