Guide Book App Template-Create Walkthrough Apps


With this project, you can make a guidebook/Story android apps. You can follow the links below for similar applications on Google Play. For example, you can make a guide app that includes tips and tactics for the among us game. Or, if you want, you can make it into an application with small stories. It all depends on your imagination! You can look at similar apps in Google play below.

What other features ?

  • All data is kept in firebase, no server is required.
  • The reading and liking statistics of the posts are saved in the firebase database. Users can read the most read and liked posts on the application by sorting them.
  • Sorts the 10 most read posts.
  • Ad placement done according to Admob’s latest SDK. Added Adaptive banner and open app ads.
  • It is compatible with the latest Android version(Api 31).
  • It includes the Onesignal notification system.