UltimateSpeed PHP Code Generator Enterprise 5.8


Ultimate Speed is a powerful tool to increase web development productivity, saves a lot of time and increase your profit. Instant codes, CRUD and report generation with beautiful UI. Connect your existing database or create new one and generates Models, Controllers, Routs, Forms, DataGrid, Language file and Layout.

Detail Features

  1. Responsive landing page
  2. Responsive admin and users interface
  3. Well structured project
  4. Graphical ready admin dashboard
  5. Light weight and fast
  6. Build in secured auth
  7. Bootstrap 5
  8. User Roles Management
  9. Chart layout dashboard
  10. Admin and Users Login
  11. Slim 4.x
  12. Twig 3.x
  13. Eloquent Database ORM
  14. Friendly GUI
  15. Roles Management
  16. Auto Detect Relational database
  17. Support table join, master detail
  18. Reporting/Export (Excel, CSV, PDF)
  19. Auto generate translated language file for all table fields
  20. CRUD Generated are purely best practices
  21. Instant code preview after generating
  22. Generated code support multi database connection
  23. Option to Enable or Disable HTML5 form validation
  24. Detect form input
  25. Detect Enum field and use as dropdown
  26. Detect (TEXT,MEDIUMTEXT,LONGTEXT) and use as textarea
  27. Generated codes are well commented
  28. Single or multiple File/Image Uploading
  29. Full Documentation